High Impact Games is a Video Game company formed by developers who want to make artistic, highly creative and fun games in a friendly environment.

We don't believe you can make good Video Games in an assembly-line fashion, the way you would make transistor radios or cassette players. A game is only as good as the people who work on it.

We want talented people working together in a tight-knit group. High Impact Games is a place where creative people can express themselves, and where our tools and technology will help them do that in an efficient way.

Our company will never feel like a corporate office with meetings, middle management and bureaucracy. It's more like a club house for talented, hardworking people who want to make great games. It's not a place for big egos - we want the kind of talent that respects everyone on the project. Everyone gets a chance to express their ideas and contribute to the whole.

We are not looking for a corporate cash-out; we are looking to perfect our way of making wonderful games that are fun for our audience.

High Impact Games is a company founded to support its people. We exist to make successful games in a place that makes us excited to come to work every day.